Star of Guangdong sunshine garden the flowered often supplies the variety to include The bedding in earth big tree fragrant camphor tree, the banyan fig, the bischofia javanica, the duckweed husband#39s mother silver fragrance, the fruit of Chinese magnoliavine, the curtain umbrella。
花的种植,用英语表达为The planting of flowers,这一术语广泛应用于园艺和植物学领域例如,当园丁计划在花园中栽种花卉时,他们可能说,quotI will start the planting of flowers next weekquot 这句话表达的是下周将开始种植花卉的意思此外,关于花卉种植的英文表达,还有诸如“flower cultivation”或。
生物技术和园艺 选择和重写的Hortscience威廉r woodson从第32卷6,1997年,p1021 ~ 1023 张家港Xueying光华,张,河北农业大学生物技术爆炸现场农业cropbased上的第一份报告于1984年传承外来基因结合到植物在此前,许多科学家推测使用重组DNA技术发现了在20世纪70年代,提高生物,但受限于能力插入。
in a space referred to as the garden Although a garden typically is located on the land near a residence, it may also be located in a roof。